
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
In A Man's World is back! Kick back and enjoy the laughs! #inamansworld #blackcomedians #morrismediastudios #halloween #joesmith #onlyfans
00:00 - start
3:32 - Show opens with Jeff asking would you be cool with your wife being on Only Fans
4:34 - Halloween 2023 - Trick or treaters - costumes as a child - candy
13:04 - Lewis sucking on a lollipop
15:00 - Dannon shows up late in costume
16:27 - Favorite candies - when did you stop trick or treating? Alternatives to candy
23:00 - Foods kids shouldn't be eating.
27:00 - Joe Smith's wife having an OnlyFans page
34:20 - Lewis runs into Kevin Hart
37:58 - Lewis asks what event or places don't you invite your yt friend.
43:00 - Approaching celebrities
46:00 - How do you let a waiter know when you're done with your meal.
53:16 - The Poetess Report -
54:45 - Restaurants charging a "parenting fee"?
57:00 - Do you tip? Tipping conversation
1:12:00 - Dannon's friends confirms him being a fine dine waiter and his basketball skills
1:22:00 - The crew discusses the list of places not to go on the first date.
1:25:13 - The guys ideal first date
1:30:16 - Teeder's Sports Ticker
1:37:20 - Cee Moore calls in to correct Dannon about Biden Student Forgiveness
1:41:00 - Sports Ticker continues
1:47:01 - Lewis starts his game
1:48:02 - Lews Jet Beauty of the Week
and more...watch video on youtube.com/morrismediastudios

Monday Nov 06, 2023
In A Man’s World with Lewis Dix, TDP and Jeff Arnold - 10-17-23
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
In A Man's World is back with the funny. What color is Jeff's shirt? Remember to support the show. Please, like, share subscribe and donate (links 👇 ). The guys recap the week. Dannon updates us on his documentary the "Executioner". Yeah, the crew discusses Jada Pinkett. #inamansworld #blackcomedians #jadapinkettsmith #trump 00:00 - Music begins 05:30 - Beginning of the Show 17:22 - Jeff and Dannon debate about Trump bringing out racism in people. 29:07 - Don't call Lewis when the Eagles are playing 30:04 - Lewis talks about distractions and how the times are affecting Black men. 34:00 - Jeff talks about an interaction he had with some younger black guys. 37:23 - Lewis answers a question from a listener about his work environment. 41:30 - Woman denying date at Cheese Cake Factory 43:21 - What is the maximum amount you would spend on a date? 52:00 - Flying first class for the first time. 54:04 - The Poetess Report. 1:12:07 - Is Jada Pinkett emasculating Will Smith? 1:23:29 - Teeder's Sports Ticker. 1:37:30 - Lewis intros his new game. 1:48:30 - Getting hair and nails done at Asian shops. Show ya love! Thank you! Cash.app/$morrismediastudios Zelle: contact@morrismediastudios.com

Monday Nov 06, 2023
In A Man’s World Podcast - Special guest: Comedian ScrewRoy 10-10-23
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
In A Man's World returns with more laughs! Lewis Dix, TDP and Jeff Arnold hold it down while Dannon is absent. Comedian ScrewRoy Zoom's in to talk about his comedy special on a shoestring budget while Jeff Arnold chimes in on his participation in the project. Lew gives listener Poo-Lee advice about his son. The Poetess discusses the Golden Bachelor. The nationwide emergency alert. California passes the Ebony Alert, 104 year old woman dies days after sky diving...Jeff arrives late to set the record straight about ScrewRoy's comedy special. #inamansworld #blackcomedians #morrismediastudios #blackcomedians #goldenbachelor Please support the show by sharing, liking, and subscribing. We appreciate your support. If you'd like to donate, see the link below. cash.app/$morrismediastudios Zelle: contact@morrismediastudios.com

Sunday Nov 05, 2023
In A Man’s World with Lew Dix, TDP, Jeff Arnold and Dannon Green 10-03-23
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
The guys are back for another hilarious episode. Remember to like, share, subscribe and donate. We appreciate ya! #inamansworld #blackcomedians #blackcomedy #morrismediastudios
00:00 - Show starts
04:00 - Guys recap - Jeff runs late
05:55 - Speaker of the House walked out
10:27 - Jeff makes his entrance
13:26 - Lewis bench pressin'*
16:00 - Dannon discusses his documentary "The Executioners".
21:42 - Jeff talks about his gig with
25:55 - Caller your on the air - fan of the show Mr. C calls in
27:25 - The guys talk about their first heartbreak
34:26 - Dannon's first white girl
39:48 - Dannon's heartbreak as an adult*
42:00 - Lewis' first heartbreak
42:23 - Comedian Jamal Doman Zooms in
1:04:16 - Poetess Report - Keefe D arrested - School teacher's Only Fans - Man sued for selling blank canvas
1:22:37 - Teeder's Sport's Ticker
1:38:54 - Lew's Jet Beauty of The Week
1:41:00 - The hosts discuss sex on the first date
and more.....

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
One of the funniest episodes yet! Tap in as the guys talk topics with special guest comedians George Wallace and Buddy Lewis.
00:00 - Start
01:39 - Audio comes in as the guys discuss getting ailments as they age.
04:00 - Buddy Lewis puts Dannon on blast about getting beat in golf -
04:50 - The guys discuss playing sports - Buddy Lewis was a swimmer in college.
07:03 - Today's schools lack trade classes
15:00 - Poetess is away in Vegas.
18:00 - Luenell comedy special debuts
22:23 - Things you enjoy doing that don't cost anything.
25:26 - Dealing with bill collectors on the phone
28:57 - Buddy Lewis' experience with and AI scam on Facebook
34:35 - The legendary George Wallace joins the show!
41:01 - The Yo Mama jokes begin
45:08 - Scariest movies growing up
49:03 - George Wallace working with Norman Lear on new TV show "Clean Slate"
54:00 - George Wallace and Jerry Seinfeld's relationship
57:13 - George loves doing comedy...younger generation in comedy
1:01:43 - Yo Mama Jokes round 2
1:04:40 - Lewis shares clip on mental health
Please remember to support the show by like, sharing and donating! We appreciate ya!
Zelle: contact@morrismediastudios.com

Friday Oct 27, 2023
In A Man’s World with Lewis Dix, TDP, Jeff Arnold and Dannon Green 9-19-23
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Welcome to In A Man's World Podcast - A comedy show with seasoned comedians Lewis Dix, TDP, Jeff Arnold and Dannon Green. Tune in to this episode as the guys discuss the following topics. #inamansworld #blackcomedians #morrismediastudios
00:00 - Show opening
02:14 - Hope Flood Award Show recap
08:45 - Young Lew's Birthday
10:24 - Are the guys ready to do their own comedy special?
19:15 - Lewis asks "what would your good friend or brother have to do for you to swing on them?"
22:34 - Intro of Joe Fox goes left.
40:35 - Lewis' Dulan's story
44:25 - The woman who claims she was hit in the face with a brick.
47:08 - Mel Tucker losing his gig over sexual misconduct allegations
48:30 - Jeff says Black women are some of the most disrespectful people on the planet
50:40 - High school fights with young guys fighting girls.
51:53 - Dannon shares a time he was cheating on and got slapped by the cheater.
57:20 - The Poetess Report: 2 bears raid Krispy Kreme, X charging for subs.,
1:12:30 - Teeder's Sports Ticker
1:36:12 - Lewis Dix Beauty of the Week
1:42:32 - Cost of living in Los Angeles - High gas
1:43:41 - Dannon talks immigration
and more...
Please support the show by sharing the link and if you can - make a donation to:
Cash App & Venmo @MorrisMediaStudios or Zelle: Contact@morrismediastudios.com

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
In A Man’s World LIVE from Hope Flood’s Celebrity Comedy Tribute 9-12-23
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
The guys stream live from Hope Flood's Celebrity Comedy Tribute! Comedians Earthquake, Chris Spencer, Kevin Tate, Kente Scott and others join the host of In A Man's World. #inamansworld #comedianearthquake #blackcomedians #hopeflood #kevintate #kentescott #lewisdix #tdp #jeffarnold #dannongreen

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
In A Man’s World with Lewis Dix, TDP and Dannon Green 8-15-23
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Comedians Lew Dix, TDP, and Dannon Green discuss a variety of topics including kids going back to school, the return of football season, Dannon tells the story of meeting Kobe and Denzel Washington, etiquette when meeting celebrities - ladies what would you do if your guy was flirting with other women in front of you? The crew shares videos and more. If you enjoy the show, please share the link to the show and remember to support by donating at Cash.app/morrismediastudios or Zelle at contact@morrismediastudios.com Enjoy the show!!

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
In A Man’s World with Lewis Dix, TDP, Jeff Arnold and Dannon Green 8-08-23
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Comedians Lew Dix, TDP, Jeff Arnold and Dannon Green discuss a variety of topics including the Alabama Brawl, Tory Lanez sentencing, Jamie Foxx's apology and more. #inamansworld #blackcomedians #jamiefoxx #alabamabrawl #megantheestallion #toreylanez If you enjoy the show, please share the link to the show and remember to support by donating at Cash.app/morrismediastudios or Zelle at contact@morrismediastudios.com Enjoy the show!!

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
In A Man’s World with special guest: Comedian Hope Flood 8-01-23
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Comedians Lew Dix, TDP and Jeff Arnold are joined by funny lady Hope Flood. The old friends catch up. Poetess and Hope recap Quincey Jone's 90th birthday party at the Hollywood Bowl, The crew recaps Roland Wirt's White Party - Woman claims she was asked to wear bigger size clothes because of her figure - Have you ever had a crush on a teacher - Lewis was a dancer 😂 Cardi B throws a mic at a fan - Hope shares her opinion on woman vs trans woman. - Why are we still saying "the first" to do something - lots more laughs! - Warning: Listener discretion is advised. Enjoy the show! If you enjoy the show, please share the link to the show and remember to support by donating at Cash.app/morrismediastudios or Zelle at contact@morrismediastudios.com Thank you.